Feb 20, 2017
This verse is considered the doxology of the Lord’s Prayer, meaning “doxa” equals honor and “logy” or “logos” means word. Therefore, put the two definitions together and you have “words of honor”. The Lord’s Prayer is embedded in this doxology and serves as a succinct reminder of what we have and...
Feb 14, 2017
The freedom of forgiveness causes the child of God not to seek how much one can get away with, but instead how much they can get away from. The tension between these two realities has been considered “the fight”! The battle is between the desires of the flesh versus the delight of the Spirit, and the one who wins...
Feb 7, 2017
The Lord’s Prayer or model prayer is a revelation of the character of God as Father, King, Provider, Forgiver, Leader and Deliverer revealing a rhythm of invitation and challenge. Therefore, our relationship with God spiritually is to permeate our relationships physically, causing God to become most visible in...