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Community Bible Church

Feb 17, 2019

God chooses to speak to us personally in Kairos moments, which are divine moments that are qualified in 4 distinctions: Speed Bump-Deciphering Moment, Brick Wall-Detouring Moment, Mirror-Discovering Moment, and Window-Defining Moment, but is it possible that at the same time in the same place God speaks to us a shared...

Feb 10, 2019

The loudest echo of God’s voice often comes from within the hallways of hurt, pain, and anguish. According to C.S. Lewis: “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, and shouts in our pain.” Today, we learn How to Recognize God’s Voice in Pain.

Feb 3, 2019

God speaks to you through His Spirit, verified by His Word, and confirmed by other people and circumstances. Therefore, being able to experience God's work in you and around you, is simply about being able to not only recognize God’s activity, but also being able to classify God’s activity in a practical way that...